Open Source and Open Education (OEWeek online chat event)

Open Source and Open Education (OEWeek online chat event)

by Ad Min -
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Open source software is very effective in democratizing digital capabilities across a vast range of domains. As prime example, Moodle is an open source eLearning platform that powers hundreds of thousands of learning environments globally (it provides also the basic infrastructure for the Open Risk Academy). Yet contributing to open source faces the formidable barrier of scarce technical (digital) literacy. How can we best use open source to teach about open source? Can we set in motion a virtuous cycle that will produce a reinforcing mechanism where people use open source tools to build more open source education tools? This is the topic of a free format online chat event. 

The event should be interesting for anybody thinking or working at the intersection of open source and open education irrespective of which domain they specialize in. We'll try to make a number of different channels available:

The scheduled time is 5:00pm-6:00pm (Europe/Amsterdam time) on the 7th of March 2024. Come and join the discussion!