Data Science using Google Community Mobility Reports

Data Science using Google Community Mobility Reports

by Ad Min -
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Aggregate human mobility data have been made available by Google and Apple since April to help health professionals and others understand behavioral patterns and impact of policies during the pandemic period. The datasets provide insights into the dramatic impact the pandemic had across the planet. We have them now fully integrated as an additional #opendata source in the OpenCPM platform which helps search, visualize and explore this rich dataset and potentially link it to other data sources. While there are many caveats in the interpretation of these data, some important insights can be obtained easily, e.g. the near universal collapse of mobility related retail and recreational activity irrespective of country An experimental approach to identify significant (day-to-day) changes is also implemented A blog post explaining the new module / functionality: A demo instance of the OpenCPM platform for anybody interested in using this tool (usage of this demo is free, self-registration is required):
Attachment Mobility.png